On May 11 2018 Gallery of Diamonds celebrated the 26th annual Diamond Day.  This is the day that honored the two grand prize diamond winners selected from thousands of students who submitted their hand-written entries on “Why Mom Deserves a Diamond.”   On this day, Katelyn Oho, grade 4 from Christ Lutheran in Costa Mesa and Alethia Winley, grade 8 from Robert Fisler in Fullerton read their winning words to their mothers and received quarter-carat diamonds to give to their mothers.

Beginning in 1993 in honor of Gallery of Diamonds’ founder Diamond Mike Watson in honor of his adoptive mother and birthmother who died before he met her, the contest is now in honor of all moms, and all those who are significant in our lives.

For more information, call 714-549-2000 or go to www.WhyMomDeservesADiamond.com or www.GalleryOfDiamonds.com.

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